93% of our students would recommend UMA to their family and friends.1

Don’t keep UMA a secret! You know how hard we work to help you succeed. We’d be honored to help your friends and family do the same.
  • Show them you care!

    Help your friends and family connect with UMA. By providing us with their contact information, you are confirming that you have their consent to have UMA contact them via phone, text message, or email via automated systems about educational opportunities at the numbers you provide, including any wireless numbers. All fields are required on this form, but your friend or family member isn’t obligated to agree to automated contact in order to enroll at UMA.

    Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for shipping and contact your advisor with any questions.

  • Your Information

    Please ensure the address you provide matches your PUMA Den address for student verification. If not, please access the PUMA Den and update your details in order to receive your swag item.

  • Friend's Information

1 UMA Student Satisfaction Survey 2018-2019 – Online and Clearwater responses.